Code Samples
Function Converse(Message As String)
Protocol = "director"
If Message = "" Then Message = "hello. what time is it?"
If linkrec.Count("tblQuestions") > 0 Then
Protocol = "investigator"
InputRec = Routing.Acquire("", Message) 'acquire statement
Message = ""
If InputRec = "" Then 'check for end of session
temp = Routing.Express("Thank you.")
Exit Function
End If
Paragraph = InputRec
If Len(InputRec) > 0 Then
Sentence = ExtractSentence(Paragraph)
PriorSentence = Sentence
Sentence = ExtractClauses(Sentence)
Sentence = Routing.Convert(Sentence, "tblEnglish") 'transform input statement into command statement format
Sentence = Routing.Intent(Sentence, "tblEnglish") 'determine intent
temp = Routing.Interpret(Sentence, "tblEnglish") 'interpret statement
If Protocol <> "director" Then Intention = Protocol
Protocol = Routing.Director(Intention, Sentence) 'Direct process
temp = Routing.Consolidate(Sentence, "tblinterpretation", "tblKnowledge") 'for a term
temp = Routing.CreateSentences("tblinterpretation", "sentence results") 'create sentences from file of standard format
temp = Routing.SpeakFile("sentence results")
If Len(Paragraph) > 0 Then GoTo NextSentence
GoTo getstatement 'get next statement
GoTo getstatement 'get next statement
End If
End If
GoTo getstatement
End Function
Function ExtractSentence(Paragraph As String)
'extract first sentence and remove sentence from paragraph
Dim endpos As Integer
endpos = Len(Paragraph)
If InStr(Paragraph, ".") < Len(Paragraph) Then
If InStr(Paragraph, ". ") Then
ExtractSentence = Left(Paragraph, InStr(Paragraph, ". "))
Paragraph = Right(Paragraph, Len(Paragraph) - (InStr(Paragraph, ". ") + 1))
ExtractSentence = Paragraph
Paragraph = ""
End If
ExtractSentence = Paragraph
Paragraph = ""
End If
End Function
Function ExtractClauses(Sentence As String)
'parse all Clauses using paterns from language table
PriorStatement = ""
NewStatement = Sentence
If olinkrec.Count("tblConvClauses") > 0 Then
temp = olinkrec.GetFields("tblConvClauses", obj1clas, obj1, Relation, obj2clas, obj2, 1)
NewStatement = obj2
temp = olinkrec.DeleteRecord("tblConvClauses", "x", "x", "x", "x", obj2)
End If
NewStatement = ResolveSynonym(NewStatement)
Set linkrec = db.OpenRecordset("tblEnglish")
'replace statement with object2 of matching object1 field in tbllanguage with relation transformin
With linkrec
Do Until .EOF
If .Fields("Object1 Class") = "sentence" And .Fields("Relation") = "parses to" And .Fields("Object2 Class") = "syllogism" Then
If .Fields("Object1") Like "*|*" Then
'Parse into comparefield and replacefield
FindLoc = InStr(.Fields("Object1"), "|")
ReplaceField = Left(.Fields("Object1"), FindLoc - 1)
CompareField = Mid(.Fields("Object1"), FindLoc + 1, Len(.Fields("Object1")) - FindLoc)
ReplaceField = .Fields("Object1")
CompareField = ReplaceField
End If
If NewStatement Like "*" & CompareField & "*" Then
NewStatement = clsString.fReplace(NewStatement, ReplaceField, .Fields("Object2"))
ArrayPtr = clsString.fParse(",", NewStatement)
For ArrayCnt = 0 To 9
If ArrayPtr(ArrayCnt) = "" Then Exit For
obj1array(ArrayCnt) = ArrayPtr(ArrayCnt)
temp = olinkrec.Add("tblclauses", "x", "x", "x", "x", obj1array(ArrayCnt))
Next ArrayCnt
NewStatement = obj1array(ArrayCnt - 1)
temp = olinkrec.DeleteRecord("tblclauses", "x", "x", "x", "x", obj1array(ArrayCnt - 1))
Exit Do
End If
End If
If .Fields("Object1 Class") = "sentence" And .Fields("Relation") = "parses to" And .Fields("Object2 Class") = "clauses" Then
If NewStatement Like "*" & .Fields("Object1") & " *" Then
ArrayPtr = clsString.fParse(.Fields("Object1") & " ", NewStatement)
For ArrayCnt = 0 To 9
If ArrayPtr(ArrayCnt) = "" Then Exit For
obj1array(ArrayCnt) = ArrayPtr(ArrayCnt)
temp = olinkrec.Add("tblclauses", "x", "x", "x", "x", obj1array(ArrayCnt))
Next ArrayCnt
NewStatement = obj1array(0)
NewStatement = NewStatement & "."
temp = olinkrec.DeleteRecord("tblclauses", "x", "x", "x", "x", obj1array(0))
Exit Do
End If
End If
End With
ExtractClauses = NewStatement
End Function